
February 15, 2022

European Finance Association

EFA Doctoral Tutorial │ EFA Doctoral Workshop

EFA 2022 | Barcelona, Spain | August 24, 2022

– Deadline: March 15, 2022 –

Please circulate this notice to your PhD students & colleagues – Thank you!

PhD students in the field of Finance are invited to submit their applications for the EFA Doctoral Tutorial and Workshop to be held on August 24, 2022. These two EFA pre-conference events designed for doctoral students are full-day parallel sessions and are held immediately prior to the official start of the 49th EFA Annual Meeting in Barcelona, Spain (August 24, 2022) organised by IESE Business School.  The EFA Doctoral Events wll be held in person in Barcelona unless the decision is taken to hold the Annual Meeting online - check out the conference website for any updates. 

There is no submission fee and applicants are not required to be EFA members. 

Submission deadline for both EFA Doctoral Events is March 15th (1 pm/13:00 CET).

EFA Doctoral Tutorial
The EFA Doctoral Tutorial (EFA-DT) is an intensive and competitive annual event intended for Finance students nearing completion of their PhDs who are about to enter the job market. This special session provides students with an excellent opportunity to present their single-authored papers and receive detailed feedback from a distinguished faculty. The one-day format allows the EFA-DT co-chairs to select up to eight PhD papers. Students whose papers are accepted for presentation receive a stipend to help cover EFA membership, conference registration and travel expenses if the event takes place in Barcelona. 

Interested students are invited to apply for the EFA-DT by uploading the following documents:

  1. Anonymous Paper
  2. CV
  3. Official Letter on institutional letterhead (signed & stamped with an official seal). The letter should be issued from the home university and confirm the PhD student’s enrolment status & topic of research. (A Reference Letter is not needed for the DT.)

Deadline: March 15, 2022, at 1 pm / 13:00 CET (Central European Time)
Further Information

Submission Link

2022 EFA-DT Co-Chairs

  • Gyöngyi Lóránth (University of Vienna), lead co-chair
  • Esther Eiling (University of Amsterdam)
  • Kristian Miltersen (Copenhagen Business School)
  • Frans de Roon (Tilburg University)

If you have any inquiries or encounter difficulties with the EFA-DT application & paper submission process, contact the organizers via e-mail (phd-efa@european-finance.org).

We look forward to receiving your submissions for the 2022 EFA-DT by the deadline!

EFA Doctoral Events – Frequently Asked Questions

EFA Doctoral Workshop
The EFA Doctoral Workshop (EFA-DW) is the fifth in an educational workshop series on "New Frontiers in Finance". The aim is to explore lesser-known areas of Finance and provide a solid background for PhD students interested in doing research in these fields. This closed pre-conference session is intended for PhD students in their second or third year. The focus and theme for 2022 is FinTech – Digital Currency and Blockchains.

The 2022 EFA-DW will again study the new FinTech area of digital currency and blockchains, which has become one of the fastest growing research areas in Finance. Note that the theme and invited faculty are the same as last year when the workshop was held online; this year, we are hoping to hold the workshop in real life in Barcelona which will be a very different experience.  We will examine research into the architecture of distributed ledgers, decentralized consensus protocols, and smart contracts, as well as the governance issues connected to them. Uses of cryptocurrency in payments, entrepreneurial finance (ICOs), remittances, and capital market clearing and settlement will be explored. Additional sessions will consider research into the performance of digital assets as investments and the emergence of stablecoins as potential rivals to sovereign fiat currencies, among other topics. This EFA-DW will highlight the most important research published to date on these topics and look closely at emerging regulation and FinTech data sources.

Interested students are invited to apply for the EFA-DW by uploading the following documents:

  1. Application Letter (one page)
  2. CV
  3. Letter of Recommendation (from the PhD Advisor or Coordinator) explaining how the EFA-DW topic is linked to the student's research and how the PhD student could benefit from participating in the workshop. This letter should be uploaded separately (by the advisor or the student) via Dropbox at the following link: Dropbox

Deadline: March 15, 2022, at 1 pm / 13:00 CET (Central European Time)
Further Information

Application Link

2022 EFA-DW Chair & Invited Speakers

  • David Yermack (NYU Stern School of Business), chair
  • Fahad Saleh (Wake Forest University), invited speaker
  • Amin Shams (Ohio State University), invited speaker

You can submit to both the EFA Annual Meeting (main conference) and the Doctoral Tutorial  or Doctoral Workshop (pre-conference event); however, you will need to make two separate submissions in the two systems; you cannot apply to both Tutorial and Workshop because they happen at the same time and have different qualification criteria.

If you have any inquiries or encounter difficulties with the EFA-DW application process, contact the organizers via e-mail (phd-efa@european-finance.org).

We look forward to receiving your applications for the 2022 EFA-DW by the deadline!

EFA Doctoral Events – Frequently Asked Questions

EFA European Finance Association
www.european-finance.org  |  info@european-finance.org  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn  |  Facebook 

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