
Review of Finance

The Review of Finance is the Journal of the European Finance Association.  The aim of  the Review of Finance is to publish the very best research in financial economics, irrespective of research methodology, author identity, geography, or whether the findings support existing research or are seen as controversial. In particular, the editors are willing to take risks on papers that may not typically be published by good journals. At the same time, the journal aims to be a resource for the world community of finance researchers, open to exciting and novel contributions from authors around the globe.  The board is committed to a fast, electronically managed, editorial process.

The Managing Editor’s Report for 2023/24 is available here.

The Review of Finance is included in the Financial Times 50 Journals used in FT Research Rank since September 2016.

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Managing Editor

» Marcin Kacperczyk

Editorial Board

The full editorial board is published on the RF website.


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