
EFA Statutes

The European Finance Association (EFA) is a registered international non-profit organization with scientific and educational objectives, governed by the dispositions of the Code for Companies and Associations of 23 March 2019, as published in the National Gazette: Le Moniteur belge.

The EFA Secretariat (the Association's headquarters) is located at: Rue Fossé aux Loups 38, 1000 Brussels, Belgium – in the offices of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM).

[NOTE: The 2023 revision to the statutes was approved by the European Finance Association members at the General Assembly August 18, 2023 and the French translation was published by the Moniteur belge October 16, 2023.  In February 2010, the proposed modifications to the EFA Statutes (ratified at the 2009 EFA General Assembly) were filed with a notary public in Brussels and published in Le Moniteur belge on 31 May 2010.]

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